Business Cases – Expertises
We accompany our clients from the genesis of their projects to their implementation. Whether it is to enrich the strategic thinking, support our clients in their external growth projects or support them in the execution of their transformation projects, we have the necessary skills to carry out these missions.

Build Up (international group)
Structuring the strategic process (international group)
As Deputy CEO, Isabelle led LISI Aerospace to grow its revenues from €150m in 1999 to €450m in 2008, while imposing a significant broadening in international presence.
The Chairman of a subsidiary of a major market player targets to diversify his activity significantly, while continuing to satisfy the orders of his parent company. External growth, excluded in the short term, must be considered in the mId term.
Technological exploration
Value Proposition Design – New commercial offer
At the instigation of its board of directors, the management of a listed engineering group, world leader in its domain, wishes to examine the interest of diversifying in an adjacent market.
An engineering and cybersecurity services player has decided to redraw the contours of its commercial offer and its strategic roadmap to improve its value creation.
Target scouting
Modeling and simulation of strategic scenarios
A maritime engineering Group identified 3 areas for target research (acquisition or partnership). After several unsuccessful internal attempts, the Group decided to seek for external support.
A business Unit of a leading group wishes to compare different long term decommissioning scenarii for 40 major installations, in order to evaluate financial needs and design potential partnerships.
Positioning of the external growth strategy and target analysis (international group)
Strategic Due Diligence
The Chairman of a division recently spun-off from a large industrial player asked Alba & Co to prepare the contents for a work seminar on strategy.
A leading private-equity firm focusing on the Aerospace industry is evaluating the opportunity to invest in a Tier-2 supplier heavily impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
Modeling and simulation of strategic scenarios
A business Unit of a leading group wishes to compare different long term decommissioning scenarii for 40 major installations, in order to evaluate financial needs and design potential partnerships.

Build Up (international group)
As Deputy CEO, Isabelle led LISI Aerospace to grow its revenues from €150m in 1999 to €450m in 2008, while imposing a significant broadening in international presence.
Positioning of the external growth strategy and target analysis (international group)
The Chairman of a division recently spun-off from a large industrial player asked Alba & Co to prepare the contents for a work seminar on strategy.
Technological exploration
At the instigation of its board of directors, the management of a listed engineering group, world leader in its domain, wishes to examine the interest of diversifying in an adjacent market.
Value Proposition Design – New commercial offer
An engineering services player has decided to redraw the contours of its commercial offer and its strategic roadmap to improve its value creation.
Target scouting
A maritime engineering Group identified 3 areas for target research (acquisition or partnership). After several unsuccessful internal attempts, the Group decided to seek for external support.
Modeling and simulation of strategic scenarios
A business Unit of a leading group wishes to compare different long term decommissioning scenarii for 40 major installations, in order to evaluate financial needs and design potential partnerships.
Positioning of the external growth strategy and target analysis (international group)
The Chairman of a division recently spun-off from a large industrial player asked Alba & Co to prepare the contents for a work seminar on strategy.
Strategic Due Diligence
A leading private-equity firm focusing on the Aerospace industry is evaluating the opportunity to invest in a Tier-2 supplier heavily impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
Modeling and simulation of strategic scenarios
A business unit of a leading group wishes to compare different long term decommissioning scenarii for 40 major installations, in order to evaluate financial needs and design potential partnerships.

Structuring of the strategic process (international group)
Financial due diligence and de-risking
The Chairman of a subsidiary in a major player in the aerospace industry wishes to significantly diversify its operations, while keeping the ability to satisfy orders from its parent company. External growth, excluded in the short term, could be considered at a later stage.
As part of a cross-border deal, the management of an aeronautical maintenance and services company seek advice to monitor the overall acquisition process in order to mitigate the risks, in a bankruptcy context of the target.
Project financing of a large infrastructure project
Financial and strategic due diligence (energy sector)
A French Group initiated the construction of a railway, critical for the development of 7 states in West Africa. Conceived to be initially financed on the Group’s equity, the project quickly required external financial partners.
A private equity fund is interested in an innovative technology (specific turbines), developed by a rising and ambitious start-up which already achieved 2 rounds of financing.
Assistance in the costing and drafting of a commercial offer
Digitalisation of the Finance division
As part of a bid for a contract with very high exposure (€ 1Bn), the Finance department of a leading player wishes to improve the reliability of the data produced by the operational teams.
The Africa division of a major logistics player must take a significant step in the digitalisation of its Finance department while rationalising the dedicated IT staff.

Structuring of the strategic process (international group)
The Chairman of a subsidiary in a major player in the aerospace industry wishes to significantly diversify its operations, while keeping the ability to satisfy orders from its parent company. External growth, excluded in the short term, could be considered at a later stage.
Financial due diligence and de-risking
As part of a cross-border deal, the management of an aeronautical maintenance and services company seek advice to monitor the overall acquisition process in order to mitigate the risks, in a bankruptcy context of the target.
Project financing of a large infrastructure project
A French Group initiated the construction of a railway, critical for the development of 7 states in West Africa. Conceived to be initially financed on the Group’s equity, the project quickly required external financial partners.
Financial and strategic due diligence (energy sector)
A private equity fund is interested in an innovative technology (specific turbines), developed by a rising and ambitious start-up which already achieved 2 rounds of financing
Assistance in the costing and drafting of a commercial offer
As part of a bid for a contract with very high exposure (€ 1Bn), the Finance department of a leading player wishes to improve the reliability of the data produced by the operational teams.
Digitalisation of the Finance division
The Africa division of a major logistics player must take a significant step in the digitalisation of its Finance department while rationalising the dedicated IT staff.

Launch of a corporate university using Agile methodology
Management of the carve-out and negotiation of the TSA (France – China)
The subsidiary of a major player in the aeronautical industry, having identified training as a strategic issue, wishes to launch a corporate university (academy) while developing transversality between its business units
A large outfitter undertook to divest from several non-core divisions. A private equity fund takes interest in one of them and appointed Alba & Co to assist.
Carve-out (international group)
Reintegration of a subsidiary into the parent company
A large telecommunications group sells a non-core division to a private equity fund. The disposed perimeter is a pivotal player in the field of digital payments safeguards and processing.
In a context of industrial ramp-up, following the signing of a major contract, a defence industrial group wishes to reintegrate one of its subsidiaries in order to refocus efforts on the service of this contract.

Launch of a corporate university using Agile methodology
The subsidiary of a major player in the aeronautical industry, having identified training as a strategic issue, wishes to launch a corporate university (academy) while developing transversality between its business units
Management of carve-out and negotiation of TSA (France – China)
A large outfitter undertook to divest from several non-core divisions. A private equity fund takes interest in one of them and appointed Alba & Co to assist.
Carve-out (international group)
A large telecommunications group sells a non-core division to a private equity fund. The disposed perimeter is a pivotal player in the field of digital payments safeguards and processing.
Reintegration of a subsidiary into the parent company
In a context of industrial ramp-up, following the signing of a major contract, a defence industrial group wishes to reintegrate one of its subsidiaries in order to refocus efforts on the service of this contract.